How Dream Saver Wedding Insurance Guarantees Security on Your Big Day

Dream Saver Wedding Insurance is your ally for wedding planning worries. It protects your financial investment if you need to postpone or cancel your big day due to unforeseen circumstances.

Whether it’s bad weather or an unexpected illness, Dream Saver ensures peace of mind by safeguarding your deposits.

This way, your dream wedding remains just that—a dream, not a financial nightmare. 


Dream Saver Wedding Insurance

Planning your dream wedding is thrilling yet stressful. But what if unexpected events disrupt your plans? DreamSaver

Wedding Insurance provides a financial safety net, covering your deposits and reducing stress during this special time.

Understanding the Coverage Structure of Dream Saver Policies

DreamSaver policies follow a clear structure:

  • Covered Events: The policy clearly outlines the situations that qualify for cancellation or postponement coverage, such as illness, injury, severe weather, or supplier bankruptcy.
  • Policy Exclusions: Be sure to understand what’s not covered, such as change of heart cancellations, pre-existing medical conditions, or financial difficulties.
  • Coverage Limits: Each policy level specifies maximum payout limits for cancellations, postponements, and other covered events. These limits can be expressed as a dollar amount or a percentage of the total insured amount.
  • Claims Process: The policy details the steps involved in filing a claim, including the required documentation and timelines.

Eligibility for Coverage

Unlike Change of Heart Wedding Insurance, Dream Saver offers broader protection against a wider range of unforeseen circumstances. Here’s what you need to know about eligibility:

  • Location: Dream Saver caters to weddings held in the UK and offers coverage for weddings abroad as well.
  • Ceremony Type: Dream Saver covers not only traditional weddings but also civil ceremonies and even military weddings.
  • Policy Purchase Timeline: There’s a minimum waiting period between purchasing the policy and the wedding date (typically 14 days).

Products and Services

  • Multiple Coverage Levels: Dream Saver provides various policy packages ranging from basic to comprehensive, each offering different levels of coverage for cancellation, postponement, public liability, and additional extras.
  • Cancellation Cover: This is the core feature, protecting your deposits if you’re forced to cancel the wedding due to a covered reason, such as illness, injury, a death in the family, or severe weather. Coverage limits vary depending on the chosen policy level.
  • Postponement Cover: Dream Saver understands that sometimes, plans need to shift. This coverage reimburses additional costs incurred if you have to reschedule the wedding due to covered reasons.
  • Public Liability Cover: This protects you from legal liability in case of accidents or injuries to guests during your wedding festivities.
  • Optional Add-Ons: Dream Saver allows customization by offering optional add-ons to cover things like wedding attire, photography cancellations, or lost honeymoon deposits.

Deductibles and Cancellations with Dream Saver Wedding Insurance

  • Deductibles: Some Dream Saver policies might have a deductible, which is an out-of-pocket expense you’ll need to pay before the insurance company starts reimbursing for covered losses.
  • Cancellation Reasons: While Dream Saver offers broad coverage, it’s crucial to understand what’s not covered. Cancellations due to change of heart, pre-existing medical conditions, or financial difficulties wouldn’t be covered.

Claim Processing

  • Contact DreamSaver Promptly: Inform them as soon as possible after the cancellation or postponement.
  • Gather Documentation: Compile documentation supporting your claim, such as medical certificates, weather reports, or death certificates, depending on the reason for cancellation.
  • Vendor Documentation: Provide receipts and invoices showcasing the non-refundable deposits paid to vendors.
  • Claim Review: DreamSaver will review your claim and supporting documents to determine eligibility for reimbursement.

Benefits of Choosing Dream Saver Wedding Insurance

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you’re financially protected in case of unforeseen circumstances allows you to focus on enjoying your wedding planning journey without undue stress.
  • Flexibility: With various policy levels and optional add-ons, DreamSaver lets you tailor coverage to your specific needs and budget.
  • UK and Overseas Coverage: They cater to weddings held within the UK and offer coverage for weddings held abroad.
  • Established Provider: DreamSaver has over 15 years of experience in protecting weddings and civil ceremonies, giving you confidence in their expertise.

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